Emilie Cotterill | West Midlands Music Photographer

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Word of the Year and Intentions for 2022

I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions. To be fair, it’s not just resolutions - any sort of goal whose completion would only be witnessed by me, or that would impact the quality of my life only, has always been hard to stick to. I’m way more motivated by external factors and pressures, and as much as I love a good planning session, if no one’s there to keep me accountable but myself, it isn’t long before I run out of steam.

I like the word “intention” better, because to me it implies a less drastic change, something that feels more gentle and realistic. A nice slow curve, instead of a sudden, steep climb. Instead of saying “I’m going to exercise 6 days a week, quit drinking and lose 3 stones”, I find it more achievable to say “I want to build healthier habits and take better care of my body.” Perhaps it’s only a technicality, and at the end of the day, whether you call them “resolutions”, “intentions”, or “big life changing goals”, what truly matters is what you do to bring about the change you want to see in your life.

Here’s my list of intentions for 2022, and I like to think of them as a compass that’ll help me get to where I want to be, rather than a map that’ll show me the exact way.

To hone my skills and look after my passions

I sat down and went through my planning workbook at the start of every quarter last year, and every time I wrote down that I wanted to make time to write a little every day — yet it never happened. I’m not talking about writing fiction here (one day, perhaps?), but good ol’ copywriting and journalling. I value writing as a way of connecting with people online and looking after my mind, yet I’m also painfully aware that it takes me way more time than it should, mostly because I’m so out of practice. I want to blog more this year, and send more emails to my list, but I know I’m only going to make it happen and enjoy it if I actually make it a regular thing; and the more I do it, the easier it’ll get.

Same goes for photography. I haven’t spent near enough time on personal projects or learning new techniques in recent months, and although I love a lot of the work that I created last year, I want to spend more time just… experimenting and having fun, without any pressure to deliver or to share.

To look after my body and my mind better

I feel like I spent too much of last year talking myself down, resenting my body, and unlearning/wrestling with things that have been deeply rooted in my mind since I was young. I know that outward changes to my appearance won’t really make me love myself more if I don’t improve my relationship with my body as a whole - both in and out - and that’s what I want to change this year so I can feel more ‘at home’ within myself.

To be more present and rooted in the world

After spending almost half of December in isolation because of Covid, the few walks I’ve been on this year have been such a balm for my soul. What I want for this year is to spend less time on my phone and more time in nature. More time noticing the small things. More time enjoying conversations without distractions. Smartphones and social media have tricked us into believing that we need to be reachable at all times, but we really, really don’t. Put that phone on airplane mode and go out for a walk.

To honour myself and the relationships that push me to grow

My word of the year is Honour. I wasn’t actively looking for one, but it popped into my head while I was setting my intentions for the year. I haven’t been able to let it go, and the more I think about it, the more I find it encompasses everything I’ve shared so far.

Honouring myself means respecting myself and making better decisions. It means not giving in to procrastination and instant gratification at every turn; it means facing what’s scary and uncomfortable instead of numbing it with a thick layer of Netflix, binge reading and comfort food (not that any of those things are bad - in moderation!)

It means trusting my gut and saying no to the people and things that I know deep down shouldn’t be a yes, even when I can't put it into words, and asking myself, over and over again: “is this taking me closer to where I want to be?